Hospice structure - Vittorio Veneto

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Hospice  structure - 3D model - De Luca Associati


Place: Vittorio Veneto, Treviso - Italy
Typology: Concrete structures
Beginning year: 2009
End year: 2012
Work: structural project and construction site supervision
Architectural project: Arch. Nerino Meneghello, Arch. Foltran Mario, Arch. De Luca Evasio
Customer: ULSS 7 di Pieve di Soligo (TV) con sede in Via Lubin 16, 31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV)

Project description

The structural project regards the control of the Hospice in Vittorio Veneto (TV), Via Maspiron, placed on different map sections nr. n. 1166, 1168, 1170, 1172 page 52.

The structure was studied considering a nominal lifetime of 50 years and a class use III. The reference period for the seismic action is 75 years. The plant is a rectangle with dimentions m. 62x36.

A steel structured is installed over the roof with dimentions 14.8x5.8m. It is requested a raising of one floor with wooden/steel and concrete structure.

Lifesaving Limite state, Operation Limite state, serviceability limit state and damage limite state in terms of resistance have been checked.

  • Plant
  • Report

Technical drawings: plant

Plant technical drawings | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

Case Report

Case Report | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

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