De Luca Associati

De Luca Associati was founded in 2009 and group professional experiences of selected and expert partners.
De Luca Associati Structural Engineering collaborates with designers, engineers and freelancers of very selected and competent skills in planning and building construction and provides high quality professional services to their clients and partners.

Know-how in reinforced concrete structures, in wooden structures of both platform and CrossLam, in ordinary bearing walls and in reinforced concrete buildings.
A long-standing experience gained in Italy and abroad in the field of both residential and exhibition metal structures and glass structures. An important knowledge in special geotechnical works using the Berlin pillars method, bulkheads, retaining walls.

Our Team

Our story

List of main public buildings (project and structural work supervision).

P.M. Prefabbricati
Expo Italy Pavilion in Seville (Spain) in 1992

Calculation and structural design of the rotating globe (internal capacity of 100 sits) inside the pavilion of Italy with gangway (steel structures)

1993 - 1994
Municipality of Vittorio Veneto
Vittorio Veneto

Architectural project, structural calculation and work supervision of the gym for "Liceo Flaminio", high school for physical education.

1997 - 1998
Municipal cleansing firm

Project and structural calculation for the restoration of the incinerator building (steel structures)

P.M. Prefabbricati
Expo Italy Pavilion in Lisbon (Portugal) in 1998

Calculation and structural design of the steel structures to set up the pavilion (steel structures)

Municipal cleansing firm

Restoration and expansion of the building used for the automatic selection of solid urban waste

General Command for the carabierni corp.
Abbasanta (OR)

"D. Sini"barracks - structural calculation of the police headquarter and underground garage.

Studio Sturchio
Expo 2000 in Hannover (Germany)

Calculation and structural design of the Italian pavilion (steel structures)

Pavilion Italy for Expo 2005 in Aichi (Japan)

Calculation and structural design of the internal part of the Italian pavilion (steel and glass structures)

Milano fair
New exposition centre in Rho-Pero

Covering structure of the booths in fiera del mobile

Milano fair
New exposition centre in Rho-Pero

Characteristic structures in Fiera di Milano (M.Fukas project) . (metal structures)

Municipality of Cappella Maggiore
Cappella Maggiore TV

Project for the construction of routes to better the road safety in Strada Provincial sp n.42 Ponte ciclabile sul torrente Carron (metal structures)

Azienda Municipale Conservazione Patrimonio e Servizi Vicenza
Vicenza (VI)

Restoration and expansion of the buildings Ex I.P.A.B. Viale S. Lazzaro, 79-Vicenza

Ulss 7
Vittorio Veneto (TV)

Project for the construction of the Hospice building in Vittorio Veneto (TV)

Municipality of Vittorio Veneto
Vittorio Veneto (TV)

Seismic test of second level Parravicini elementary school.

Municipality of Conegliano
Conegliano (TV)

Restoration of the gym in the primary school of "G. MAZZINI"(work A: construction of the changing room, work B: restoration of the gym, work C: construction of the steel ladder)

Municipality of Vittorio Veneto
Vittorio Veneto (TV)

Extension, completion, upgrading of the building, modernisation of the systems and the setting up of "Museo della Battaglia".

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