Residential building

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Residential building - 3D model - De Luca Associati


Place: Vittorio Veneto, Treviso - Italy
Typology: Concrete structures
Beginning year: 2012
End year: 2014
Work: structural project and construction site supervision
Architectural project: Arch. Diego Speranza

Project description

The project includes the realization of a new residential building. The buildings has an irregular plant with a rectangle of dimentions around 21.6x13.6m and consists of two floors above ground with maximum heigh of 9,80m from the country level.

The bearing structure has reinforced concrete walls which are connected to the first floor made in reinforce concrete and to the second floor made in wooden bars with reinforced concrete slabs. The covering has many inclinations caused by layers and reaches a maximum inclination of 12°. It is builded in wooden boxes. A waterproofing membrane and copper sheetes lay on them.

  • Prospects
  • Plants

Technical drawings: Prospectus C-C e C1-C1, prospectus D-D, building details

Prospectus Technical drawings | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

Disegni tecnici: Pianta 1° solaio, armatura soletta, particolari costruttivi

Plants technical drawing | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

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