Construction of the wine cellar

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Construction of the wine cellar - 3D view - De Luca Associati


Place: San Pietro di Feletto, Treviso - Italy
Typology: Concrete structures
Beginning year: 2009
End year: 2010
Work: structural project and construction site supervision
Architectural project: Arch. Isabella Balbinot

Project description

This project regards the construction of a building on the basement to be used as a wine cellar.
The plant is a rectangIe with dimentions 51.0 x 31.40 and maximum 10.00 m high from the country level.
The structure is covered with a layer of soil of 3m heigh. The frame structure is in concrete. The pillars have a section 100x100 cm while the sidewalls have a variable thickness from 50 to 40 cm.

  • Plants
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Technical drawings: Fundation plant, building details

Plants technical drawings | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

Technical drawings: Front view, building details

Technical drawings | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

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