Steel residential block

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Steel residential block - 3D model - De Luca Associati


Place: Musile di Piave, Venice - Italy
Typology: Steel frame structure
Beginning year: 2014
End year: 2014
Work: structural project and construction site supervision

Project description

This project is about two different seismic blocks called block A an block B.
The building, with bearing structure in steel, has a rectangular plant with dimentions 24x17,5 m and consists of 3 floors above ground. Its height is maximum 9,1 m from the country level.
The structure is a concentric braced frame.

  • Plants
  • Sections

Technical drawings: first plant, second plant, and roof plant.

Plants technical drawing | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

Technical drawings: Section 4-4, section 5-5, section 6-6

Sections technical drawing | De Luca Associati - Structural Engineering

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